Food Donations

$13.70 - 1 Meal for 56 girls in the orphanage

$41.10- Meals for 1 Day at the orphanage

$1,233 - Meals for a month for 56 girls in the orphanage


Education Fund

When the girls finish high school, they have nowhere to go. We are trying to continue their education at a trade school or university. Please donate any amount to their education fund!

$10.00 - books

Any amount for tuition!


Medical, Dental, and Eye Care

$10.00 for 5 girls to be seen by a doctor

$10.00 for a prescription for 2 girls

$20.00 For 10 girls to see a dentist

$100.00 for 50 girls to see a dentist

$10.00 for 5 girls to see an ophthalmologist

$50.00 for one girls to get prescription glasses
